Change Reporting Line

How to change the reporting line of an employee through a change of condition

In the previous UAT task Submit Change Of Conditions if you navigated from the Org Chart or the employee’s profile we should now see the who does this person report to screen.

If we need to change who our employee reports to check the “I would like to change the report-to person (node)”.

Then start typing in the dropdown above. We will select Soth our CEO as the new person for our employee Sam to report to.

When you have selected your new reports person click next.

The next screen will confirm a new node is going to be inserted under the new employee (Soth Eleonora) that our employee (Sam Huggins) reports to. Click next to confirm.

The next window will ask the user to select a change of conditions approval workflow form to use to perform the change of conditions.

We should now be on the change of conditions form on the left hand side we can see the current position conditions for Sam and we can enter the new proposed position conditions on the right hand side.