Submit Change Of Conditions

How to do a change of conditions for an employee.

To submit a change of conditions request against an employee we will need an employee with a current position in Martian Logic. In our previous examples we hired Sam as a HR Officer.

To change an employees conditions find them in either the Org Chart or the employee database.


Starting Change Of Conditions From The Org Chart

Find the employee you would like to change the conditions of Sam in our case. Then click the expand icon in the bottom right hand corner of the employees Org Chart node.

In the menu that open select the change conditions/cross board option.

You should now see the who does this person report to screen which is used to change the reporting line of the employee if required.


Start Change Of Conditions From Employee Database/Profile

To start the change of conditions process from the employee’s profile find the employee in the database and open their profile.

Then go to the life cycle tab on the employee’s profile and click new process and select change employee conditions.

Just like if you started the change of conditions process from the Org Chart you should now see the Who does this person report to window.