How to share candidates with another Martian Logic user.
Should you need to share shortlisted candidates with a Hiring Manager you can do this from within the job and on the candidates tab. You can share individual candidates or multiple candidates at once. To do this select the candidates you would like to share as shown below.
Option A - Individual Candidate Share
On each candidate’s application is the share button that will open up the share candidate window.
Option B - Bulk Share Candidates
On the candidate grid you can check the box next to each candidate you would like to share and then click share in the actions window that appears on the right.
How and what to share
On the share screen the first thing to choose is the recipient of the share (must have a user profile on Martian Logic).
Martian Logic by default will assign members of the internal hiring team as recipients of the share which is why we see Lewis and Ryan as they are part of the internal hiring team for this job. See Job Design Task for more information. You can add in more users in the search users box if needed.
Martian Logic provides a default email template for candidate share emails. You can optionally add your own text to the default template.
Alternatively you can create your own email templates by clicking on advanced.
In any custom candidate share email template you create remember to include the Share URL so the recipients of the email can view the applications.
Other things to consider is what to share with the recipients.
In the what to share section the system will share by default the, resume, cover letter screening questions, attachments and reference checks.
You can optionally include other elements of the candidate’s application in the share. Any e-form the candidate may have answered or my fields groups can be included in the share, just check the box next to what you want to share. In the example below I am sharing the compliance my field group.
You can also share any video interviews template you may of set up.
As well as assign forms for the recipients of the to receive to submit on the candidate’s behalf.
As you progress candidates, you will be able to see at a glance what stage they are at from the stage column.
In the email you receive after you click on the link you will see the list of applicants you chose to share.
If we open up Sam’s application we can see almost the same options as we get when logged into Martian Logic.
- Rate Candidate
- Application Details Tabs – Almost the same as what you see when logged into Martian Logic.
- Timeline – Any comments made by the recipients of the candidate share will appear in their timeline in Martian Logic. The sender of the share will also receive an Martian Logic inbox notification when a comment is made in a candidate’s timeline.
In your Martian Logic in box you will receive notifications.
You can click on the notification to go to the candidates profile.