This article will cover how to perform a reference check in Martian Logic.
Requesting Referee Details From The Candidate
Once interviews are complete you are hopefully in a position to conduct some reference checks. Once again to start the process navigate to the candidate profile of the person you would like to reference check. Then from the Progress options select the Reference Check stage.
This will automatically email the candidate requesting their referee information, you can see a record of it in the reference checks tab of the candidate’s profile.
The candidate Sam will receive an email asking them to provide their referee details. While we are testing provide your email address for all the required referees.
The user that initiated the reference check in Martian Logic will receive a Martian Logic inbox notification when the candidate has provided their referee information.
There are two ways to configure a reference check process in Martian Logic, fully automated and semi automated.
Fully Automated
When a reference check process is fully automated it automatically email the reference check questionnaire to the referees provided by the candidate.
Semi Automated
When a reference check process is semi automated it will not automatically email the referees the reference check questionnaire, instead it will allow the user to call the referee on the phone and complete the form on their behalf.
Semi Automated Example
If you’re using a semi automated reference check process when the candidate provides their referee details the status of the reference check will change to ‘Submitted By Candidate’.
When we open the reference check we can see that the two referees provided “test” and “test 2” have not been sent the reference check.
If we click on one of the referees we will be able to submit the reference on their behalf by clicking the button highlighted below.
This will open the questionnaire as shown below.
After we submit the reference check form we can see the answers and then click on Sam’s name to navigate back to deal with the second referee.
We will now deal with the referee “test 2”.
Even though it’s a semi automated reference check we can still email the questionnaire to the referees if needed by clicking “Send/Resend Email”.
When all the referees have completed the reference check the status will changed to completed.
Fully Automated
If you’re using a fully automated reference check when the candidate submits their referee details the status will change to with referees.
Just like with the semi automated option you can always open the reference check and complete the form on the referees behalf while speaking to them on the phone.
You will receive a notification for each referee that completes the reference check form.
You can also check the reference check console for information on all reference checks in your Martian Logic account.