Job Posting

How to post to job ads to job boards

Now the job has been designed you are able to post to job boards. To do so click on the Posting tab.

You can customise your list, or otherwise (My List) by clicking on job-boards.

Then by clicking on this outlined square on the right hand side of the job board name it will add the selected job board to ‘My List’ which is your own personal list.

Anything filled in orange is already in ‘My List’.

DO NOT DO THIS WHILE TESTING INFORMATION ONLY Now you have added the job boards to my list you could multi post by checking the select all check box and clicking post, but we are going to be using a weblink for the purpose of User Acceptance Testing.

We will use a weblink for the purposes of testing. A web link is also useful for any job boards you use that we don’t integrate with you can obtain a weblink which will route the applicant to the Martian Logic application form.

Then click on the text at the top to rename the link, this will be used to record the source of the applicants application. Then click preview and test.


You should now see your job advert and are ready to apply.