How To Create Request To Hire Forms

A request to hire form in Martian Logic is used to create jobs in your account and get them approved by your organisation. The same request to hire form is also used in the Offer Approval process prior to onboarding any candidate in Martian Logic.

To create a new workflow form, click on your username, then 'Account Settings'

Click on job -> approval workflows then click create requisition.

 Give the form a name and set the type to ‘NEW HIRE/ REPLACMENT’. 

You should now have a new request to hire form. We will start by adding two fields to the form. The ‘Engagement’ field and the ‘Start / End / Effective Date’ field.

Engagement Field – Collects data about remuneration and hours.

Start / End / Effective Date Field – Collects the dates related to the type of employment selected. If it’s permanent or casual hire it will required a start date, if the employment type is fixed or max term it will require a start and end date.

Click ‘New Field’ and select ‘Pick From Library’.

Search for engagement and click on the Engagement field to select it.

Then search for the start / end / effective date field and select it, then click Add Selected to Form.

You should now have two new fields on the form. We will move the Start / End / Effective Date field underneath the Engagement field. Click the arrows on the right of the field as shown below.

Select the Hiring Manager field as the field to move the Start / End / Effective Date above.

We should now see the form in the order below.

You may also want to add some pillar fields to the request to hire form. Normally you identify what pillar fields you use in the Org Chart import file.

In this example we will add the division and department pillars field to the request to hire form.

In this example we have moved the pillar fields beneath the position field.

For a full list of the pillar fields available in your account go to User Settings -> Pillars from Account Setting.

You may require other fields on the request to hire form to capture advertising details, equipment/access requirements, etc. You can create you own custom fields to capture that type of information by creating new questions.

Click New Field and select Add from Scratch.

In this example we will create a multi select dropdown field of equipment required. Give the field a name and set the field type to Drop Down Multiple Choice.

We need to add quite a few different types of equipment so we will click bulk answers.

From Bulk Answers we can add it our answers line by line and click save.

We should now see all our new answers and can click save to add the new field to the form.

 We should now see our new field on the form. 

Now it may be the case that you do not want to set the equipment required in the job requisition phase. You can defer any field in the form to the offer stage if required. Martian Logic uses the same request to hire form as the offer approval form when you’ve found a suitable candidate for the role.

Click the three dots on the right hand side of any field to defer it to the offer stage.

The field will be highlighted in blue when you have deferred it.