As an Administrator, how to manually create org chart nodes.
To Create a node in the Org Chart, go to Org Chart on the left hand side, select the node you would like to add a new node above or below, then click on Add node.
A prompt will appear on the right side where you can add the details of this node or nodes.
We are going to add 3 of our new HR Officer Positions to the Org Chart, and insert these new positions/nodes beneath the selected node. Meaning the 3 HR Officer Position will report to Regine Lukas.
In this example we are going to leave the node type set to position. See how to create simple and create group node UAT items.
Then if you have completed the Configure Position Details UAT task then you will be able to select from one of the employment types previously setup.
If you have not completed the Configure Position Details you can leave it empty.
If you have completed the Configure Position Details task when you expand the Engagement Section you will see the information you set against the HR Officer position in the position library.
If you have not completed the Configure Position Details task then you can set the engagement information here if you wish.
Expand the engagement section and the engagement type to “Employee”.
Then for the select from the rem library question select yes. This means the HR Officer positions we are creating fall under one of our EBA/Awards which have been set up the agreement section of Martian Logic see the Add Agreement Data UAT task for more details.
If you would select no, enter manually for a non EBA/Award (common law) employee.
Then select an employment type from the list.
You will then see the FTE Remuneration Details section. Click edit to provide information about hours, agreement, classification, levels, etc.
You can optionally set the start date here.
If you have selected a Fixed or Max Term Employment Type then you will also be able to enter an end date.
You can also optionally set the pillars at this stage, these are field like division, department, location etc.
When you’re finished click save.
We now have 3 vacant HR Officer nodes on our Org Chart.
The information we configured against the nodes (Engagement, Pillars, etc) will be used in the request to hire form submitted by the hiring managers later on. See Request To Hire task for more information.